Moshe Ladanga

intimacy, collaboration and everything between and against

with 8 comments

There is something quite disturbing about the way people reveal themselves in how they point their swords.

A Few Key Words:







big brother







I think we’re onto something- last time I checked my watch, we were debating for more than an hour- this is good:)

Written by mosheladanga

November 1, 2007 at 1:05 AM

8 Responses

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  1. The idea of collision and conflict are compelling. In a way, the disruption that the work (even just as an idea) caused is very exciting to me.

    All of a sudden, when something as private as relationships were discussed, people had such emotionally charged reactions to it.

    There is something about making something private and intimate, public. I remember the ideas of Feminist film theory about the voyueristic pleasure we gain through the private unfold (Laura Mulvey). We are almost doing it agains our own will. And that can get people really crazy.

    I like that the work causes a stir. That people are feeling something about it. Any sort of emotion…even disgust…causes a disruption and creates change. Which is what we want.

    The point is…how do we make it even more powerful? How do we cause an even greater debate. How do we show this violence that takes place through control especially in the most intimate of places.

    This is exciting and compelling. I am getting obsessed and this is a very good sign.


    November 1, 2007 at 10:15 AM

  2. Yes- It was shocking actually, and incredibly revealing. I saw it in the political context, how relationships, our relationship in particular, can trigger such, as you termed it, “emotionally-charged” responses and reactions. Again, Eisenstein- “I do not make Film Eyes, I make Film Fists. In other words I do not make films-as-witness, to be watched by an impassive eye. I sock the public in the nose.”

    An observation- We only were able to present the form of our collaboration. Just imagine if we started talking about the content, hehe.
    Which leads me to bring it here, what we talked about last night, the context of our collaboration- power, control, conflict in relationships. Yes, a bit broad, but I agree with you that it would be very interesting if we examine it in the primal context of the human race: between Man & Woman.


    November 1, 2007 at 10:28 AM

  3. There is something quite disturbing about the way people reveal themselves in how they point their swords.Tanto.


    November 1, 2007 at 11:31 PM

  4. A tantō (短刀; “short sword”, tantō?) is a common Japanese single or, occasionally, double edged knife or dagger with a blade length between 15 and 30 cm (6-12 inches). The tantō differs from the others as it was designed primarily as a stabbing instrument, but the edge can be used to slash as well. Tantō first began to appear in the Heian period, however these blades lacked any artistic quality and were purely weapons.

    Is this what you meant John?

    If so, as artists of the image, we share something. I agree:)


    November 2, 2007 at 12:25 AM

  5. Yes. I am saying I understand passion – the instruments of passion and conflict – and the dangers, the importance of understanding and compassion, I hope. Without passion we cannot recreate ousrselves in any form – but that is just my opinion.


    November 4, 2007 at 12:49 PM

  6. You got me there John:) I guess I was just being honest about how I feel. In a way, these things are necessary for us to see the conflict that resides in ourselves, and in the process, hopefully, come to an understanding.
    Quite simply, from the culture that I come from, it is hard to bear rancor in life- I guess lessons learned are steps to life regained. As we say in our own colloquial English, “charge to experience”- like a credit card, haha;)
    Really appreciate it John:)


    November 4, 2007 at 1:07 PM

  7. I think we understand each other, I have a tanto. It is in a bamboo case, and very old. When I look at it, I wonder who has looked at it before and defined their mortality, in the same way, in taking the blade out of the case. I think it is it is better to not draw a sword in the first place,to walk away. But only to consider when the time is right to walk back. I am sure all will pass and be resolved.


    November 4, 2007 at 6:40 PM

  8. Thank you.


    November 4, 2007 at 6:59 PM

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